The Philosophy of Tang Soo Do
Philosophy of Tang Soo DoIn essence, Tang Soo Do is a way of life. It is an artistic study with two distinctive characteristics.These are :1)
Philosophy of Tang Soo DoIn essence, Tang Soo Do is a way of life. It is an artistic study with two distinctive characteristics.These are :1)
Running out of ideas on what to get your Valentine this year? Change things up by attending a martial arts class together! Besides burning calories and
A common misconception with learning martial arts is you have to be young and/or already in great shape. This couldn’t be further from the truth!
Martial arts are an ancient method of training your mind, body and spirit to act as one. Martial arts practitioners strive for harmony, but also
Dress In Blue DayJoin us on Wednesday June 14th at 3 p.m. to Thursday June15th at 8 p.m. for Pak’s Karate Wear Blue Day!Show your school spirit by wearing
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