June Events and Jacksonville Tournament Info

The June newsletter has been posted to the website along with the events flyer listing dates for June and July. Go to www.pakskaratelouisiana.com, click on the +MORE button at the top of the page, and select MEMBERS ONLY. This will bring you to the student site and access to the downloads. Also, the information for the UTF National Tang Soo Do Championships in Jacksonville, FL has been posted to the tournament site at www.pakskarate.com/tournament. If you are interested in this tournament or any other tournament, please see us about the FREE training classes held every Tuesday and Thursday evenings specifically for tournament competitors. If you have any questions, please let us know. — MC P.S. If you are not receiving the emails from us, please check your junk mail or spam folder to ensure they are not being directed there. If so, add pakskarate.com to your safe senders list to ensure you continue to receive our emails. Thanks.


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